Purification, cleaning our body, mind and soul

Purification with the energy of water. Water is displayed in 3 forms: frozen, liquid or water damp and we can make use of the cleaning properties of water in all those forms. You can purify yourself or let someone clean you and support the purification in an active manner.

  1. Frozen: If there is snow available, fill a cup with snow. Posture: standing. Lubricate the snow on face, neck, arms, hands and legs and feet with the intention to clean. Feel what is does to you.
  2. Liquid: You can take a shower and concentrate on the purifying properties of flowing water. Posture: standing. Try to open your crown chakra on the top of your head and let the water cleanse your physical and energetic body. How do you feel?
  3. Water damp:  Posture: standing. Fill a cup with boiling water and inhale the damp. Let someone purify the rest of your body by waving the damp with a (swan) feather over all your body parts. Sense the effect it has on you.
Compare all purifying methods: how did they feel and what is different and what is similar? What is the overall effect? It’s good, isn’t it?! Enjoy!

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