The circle of life and our soul

The circle of life, birth, death and rebirth, can be represented as four worlds: present, death, eternity and future. These worlds are called in the Siberia shamanism way Umai, Erlik, Tengri and Ulgen and can be represented in a symbolic way as in this Mandela:

Tengri, father heaven, is timeless and represents eternity, the one who hears, sees and knows all. The stars in the sky are the eyes of Tengri and his symbol is the eye (AYI). You may call him ‘the one’, ‘the creator’, god or whatever you want to call him, he listens to all names. He is ALL. Tengri shoot his arrow to Umai and so they bore two sons: Ulgen and Erlik.

Ulgen is the creator of the world and represents the future. He is often depicted with a white bird (BOS).

When our body dies, our soul travels to the guard of the past, called Erlik and he represents the underworld.  His main symbol is a fish (TUS or TES).

The present where we live in is called Umai, after the daughter of mother earth. She represents fertility, earth and embodies our soul, which gets his shape (human body) in this world. A tree (& tree roots) and a deer are her main symbols.

Our soul is composed of 5 parts: ¼ of each world mentioned above en one extra soul part of one of these worlds. This extra 5th part defines the character of each person!

If you have a 2/5 soul part of Ulgen, you are someone with lots of ideas, you like changes, wants to be inspired or give others inspiration and ask many questions. You may be clairvoyant? We find these people often in a professional life as a scientist, designer, architect, organizer, and so on. The pitfall can be that you have lots of ideas, but can’t get started or start a project and don’t finish it.

An extra part of Umai means you are busy with things as family, career, home, looks or material matters. Job wise we can relate an Umai soul part to a therapist, business man, housewife, model or collector. The pitfall is that you are too much focused on people, business or hearth and home.

People who relate after Erlik relay on their knowledge and skills from the past and work often in professions related to the past like a historian, regression therapist, antiquarian and other similar jobs. If you are an Erlik person, the pitfall is that you hold on to the past, which keeps you back. Move on! You live in the present right now.

If your extra soul part comes from Tengri you are someone who wants to pass on knowledge and does it as a priest, teacher and so on. You’re spiritually enlightened and not much earth bounded. The pitfall for you is to be too reluctant, hesitate, don’t take the initiative and find it difficult to bring ‘stuff’ to the earth.

Finding balance:

The human being is the sum of his past and present, he can hold on or let go.
Try to use all your qualities and knowledge in the present, for mother earth. If you make the utmost use of your 2/5e soul part, you can find your balance & harmony in this life.

Prayer or Healing:

We cannot change the fate of a person (or take it over), but we can always do a prayer for a reduction of someone’s problems!
A healing can only be done with the consent of that person! And when it concerns a small infant or a baby, the parents always have to give permission for a healing ritual.

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