Chakras & chakra healing on the hand with Moksa

Introduction: Chakra’s are our energy centers and 7 of them are placed in one line on our body, from root (tailbone) till crown. The lower chakras are related to our instinctive side and the higher chakra’s to our mental side. They manage our organs and body parts, emotions and physical state of mind. The more open the chakras are, the better our energy can ‘flow’. The better we feel and are more in balance.

A simple ‘do it yourself’ method to treat all 7 chakras and be aware of their condition.  The 7 specified points on you hand can be treated with a Chinese herb stick, called Moksa. You start with the first chakra, and then second and so on; you’ll end with no.7. 

Lit the Moksa stick and make small turns just above the skin. Count the circles. When it gets to uncomfortable (hot), take a break of a few seconds. Then start over again on the same spot for the same amount of circles.
Repeat this several times, until you feel it’s ok. Go on to the next chakra point and repeat the exercise.
When the 7th chakra is treated, quench the stick by holding the burning part in a bowl of water for quite some time. Make sure it is well off before you put it away.

The condition of the chakra is good when you can make a lot of turnarounds or little circles – a lot is hard to divine, but more than 15 is considered ok. You can stop at 20; to treat a chakra anymore is not necessary. The sooner it’s getting to hot, the weaker the chakra. Keep in mind that this is a momentum; every day can give a different outcome, depending of your emotional and physical situation. See the chakra chart below to understand your chakra condition.

When you realize your current weak points, you can actively work on improvement. It’s up to you to distinct the positive and negative aspects of the emotions and characteristics. You either try to diminish the negative aspects or try to expand the positive aspects. When it concerns a body part: be aware of the relation between body, mind and soul. You can ‘think’ yourself ill so you can also ‘think’ yourself healthy… Isn’t that so...? Be aware and act! Become whole.

1. Root chakra              Vitality, Survival, Instinct, Security, Potentiality, Sensuality, Peace, Nervousness and Fear, Changes, Greedy and being Materialistic.
Body, Bone structure and Muscles.

2. Sacral chakra           Basic emotional needs, Shadow self, Sexuality, Relationships, Attachment, Addictions, ‘Poker face’ and Flexibility.
                                  Reproductive organs, Sexual hormones, Kidneys, Blather and Blood.

3. Solar Plexus chakra   Ego, Will, Sense of self, Opinion formation, Introversion, All matters of growth, Being in your power, Self esteem, Dominant, Aggression, Focus and Concentration.
Metabolic and digestive systems: Stomach, Liver, Spleen, Intestines and Pancreas.

4. Heart chakra            Love, Affection, Acceptance, Allowance, Emotions, Stress, Compassion, Unconditional love, Circulation, Selfishness, Rejection, Well being, Consciousness to our next lives and Liberation.
Immune system, Blood, Hart and Lungs.

5. Throat chakra          Speech: Lying, Speaking your mind freely, Honesty, Bad listener, Expression and Communication. Growth through expression, Maturation, Security, Lucid dreaming, Shyness and Ideas & Plans.
                                 Thyroid, Throat, Mandible and Teeth.

6. Brow chakra             Vision, Psychic knowledge, Thought, sleep regulation, balancing the higher and lower selves, Inner guidance and Intuition.
                                  Pineal gland, Brains, Ears, Nose and Eyes.

7. Crown chakra           Spirit will, Wisdom, Openness, Pure consciousness, Meditation, Karma release and Mental & Physical action.
                                 Pituitary, Central nervous system via the hypothalamus, Endocrine system via the secrete hormones, Uniting the female kundalini Shakti energy and male Shiva energy, Bodhicitta: essence of masculine energy and Death of the body.

Chakra combinations:   2 + 5;  3 + 6  and  4 + 7.

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