Karma & Relationships

The word karma itself comes from the Sanskrit language, and is often translated as an act of volition, an effect, destiny or an action. It is important to understand that karma is the action itself, not necessarily the good or bad results of that action.  In the purest sense, karma is any action willfully performed by a person who understands the goodness or evilness of that act. Karma is essentially the stone that causes future ripples in a soul's lifestream.

Karma is for the most part made by us! Karma is a role we take as role carriers. Only in a few occasions will it be put upon us. We can be unsatisfied or feel guilty about things we have done in the past. We take the guilt upon us ourselves. Especially when you were once forced to do things you didn’t wanted to do, but nevertheless did because it was necessary to survive.

Karma contract                                                   
You can make a Karma contract with yourself and you set it fixed in your system;
You van make this contract with someone else and it is an agreement between to parties.

We bring our karma in this life when we are reborn and can do that in 3 ways:
·         consciously processed
·         aware but unprocessed
·         unaware & unprocessed

In the last two cases, a healing, with the help of Crystal or Celestine, can bring a lot of relieve and clear up your path in this life.
We al have relationships in different way with family, friends, colleagues and so on. And we are all connected through relation lines; in fact, they are not lines but tubes, through with our thoughts and emotions passes. These tubes can be attached to our aura, chakra’s, our organs and other body parts. They make a network from person to person, the intensity and sort of energy is depending on the nature of that relationship. When we are still young and have an experience with a relationship, the intensity is much stronger, like our first love. When a relationship ends, the tubes stay intact! When time passes by they can become more fragile, thinner, but still they remain. So the relationship in an emotional way stays intact.

A healing on relationships can be done by focusing on the problems and negative energy and purify the tubes. Milk can be a helpful ingredient. A re-encounter with that old relation can make it easier to clean up this relationship and break the tubes definite. No more strings attached!

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